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4-H & Youth

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New Date! – Cloverbud Project Workshop – Saturday, February 15th
Join us for a free Cloverbud Project Workshop on Saturday, February 15th from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Peninsula Room at the Door County Government Center. This is open to Cloverbud Project members (grades K-2nd). We will be doing some fun Valentine’s themed projects and snack. To register, fill out this Google form: https://go.wisc.edu/f2443v by February 12th.
Now Hiring – AmeriCorps Member for Door County 4-H!
Would you like to help grow Door County 4-H while building your resume and gaining great experiences? Door County 4-H is currently recruiting an AmeriCorps member for this summer! To apply, send your cover letter and resume to Candis at candis.dart@wisc.edu before March 1st.

2025 Door County 4-H Scholarships
Scholarship applications are now available for Door County 4-H Scholarships, Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarships, and the Door County 4-H Horse & Pony Scholarships. All of these applications are due March 1st. See the scholarship page for additional information and applications.
Joining Door County 4-H
Statewide 4-H Events and Opportunities
Door County 4-H Financial Forms
- 4-H Reimbursement Request Form
- DOOR Reimbursement Request for Youth Events
- DOOR Financial Assistance Application
- Community Service Grant Request Form – Clubs
4-H has provided Volunteer Role Descriptions to all adult volunteers. This is necessary to comply with policies concerning volunteers and state liability insurance coverage. All adults will need to select a club and volunteer type in 4HOnline. The choices for club volunteer type are:
- Activity/Event Volunteer
- Adult Advisor/Chaperone
- Club Enrollment Coordinator (formerly Club Enrollment and Club Manager)
- Club Leader (includes Organizational/General and Co-Organizational/Co-General)
- Committee Volunteer
- Project Leader (includes Key Leader and Resource Leader)
Volunteers can only choose one so the most relevant role needs to be selected. Volunteers will not be associated with a specific club!
Project Leaders still need to select a project and volunteer type on the project selection screen.
4-H Volunteers – Incident / Injury Reporting
HIGH RISK Injuries/Incidents
A high-risk incident poses a serious risk to an Extension Volunteer(s), Extension Program Participant(s), or third party. Examples of High Risk Injuries/Incidents include:
- Injury of employee, volunteer, participant, or third party that requires professional medical attention.A threat of serious harm to self or others.
- Anything requiring intervention by police (e.g. missing child, safety concerns).
- Hazardous materials exposure or spills.
- Termination or withdrawal of a volunteer, participant, or third party with potential intersections with civil rights, e.g. concerns regarding discrimination.
- Critical staff errors, such as incorrect administration of medication, or an injury caused by a staff person.
- Concerns for possible claims of negligence or liability.
- Vehicle accidents with personally-owned or rental vehicles on official UW business.
IMPORTANT: The report must be filed within 48 hours of the incident.
LOW RISK Injuries/Incidents
LOW RISK Injuries/Incidents typically DO NOT need to be submitted. A “low risk” incident is one where the impact to an Extension Volunteer(s), Extension Program Participant(s), or third party is both minor and temporary. Low-risk incidents typically do not require a report to the Office of Risk Management. Examples of Low Risk Injuries/Incidents include:
- Minor injuries e.g. scrapes or bumps to the body that do not require medical attention beyond basic first aid.
- Non-communicable illnesses that result in a volunteer, program participant, or third party needing to sit out of an activity or to be sent home.
- Behavioral problems, or verbal conflicts between participants, parents, or volunteers that necessitate staff or volunteer intervention.
- Other incidents at the discretion of the Extension Employee that do not rise to the level of a high-risk incident.
Note: There is some grey area within these examples that will require an employee to use professional judgement. When in doubt, treat an incident as “high risk.”
To download an injury/incident report: Volunteer Accident/Injury Report – Wisconsin 4-H
Quality Market Animal Sale – Mandatory Meetings
Exhibitors must attend one (1) Group A Meeting.
Visit the Quality Market Animal Sale website for additional information: https://www.dcqmas.org/.
- Group A Meeting: Orientation & Rules: December 23, 2024, 6:00 p.m., Crossroads at Big Creek
- Group A Meeting: Orientation & Rules: January 2, 2025, 6:00 p.m., Crossroads at Big Creek
- Beef Weigh-In: Saturday, January 4, 2025, 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Door County Fairgrounds
- Hog Weigh-In: Saturday, April 5, 2025, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m., Door County Fairgrounds
- Lamb & Meat Goat Weigh-In: Saturday, May 3, 2025, 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m., Door County Fairgrounds
YQCA – Youth for the Quality Care of Animals
Pop-Up Greetings Activity
Looking for a fun and easy craft to make? 4-H has a simple lesson to help you create Pop-Up Greeting cards that you can send! Click on the link above to learn how to make these simple yet thoughtful cards for friends and loved ones!
At-Home Activities and Resources
- 4-H Activity Guide
- 4-H STEM Activities
- 4-H Healthy Living Activity Guide
- 4-H Cloverbud Lesson Plans
- Fun Hands-On Learning To Do At Home