Joining 4-H

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2024-25 PROJECT YEAR   

COUNTRY VIEW … Meets: 2nd Sunday, 1:00 p.m., St. John Lutheran Church, Valmy
      General Leader:   Jen Andreae (920-493-8376) –

EAST MAPLEWOOD BEAVERS … Meets: 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m., Forestville Town Hall, Maplewood
      General Leader:   Theresa Kinnard (920-493-5188) –

MAPLEWOOD MISSILES … Meets: 2nd Monday, 6:30 p.m. … Forestville Town Hall, Maplewood
      General Leader:  Chris Kay (920-493-8991) –

NORTHERN CLOVERLEAFS … Meets:  2nd Sunday, Meeting Time Varies, Jacksonport Town Hall
       General Leader: Amy Ash (920-559-3182) –

SHINING STARS … Meets: 2nd Sunday, 5:00 p.m.
        General Leader:  Amanda Larson (920-495-6378) –

Special Interest Groups
4-H Dog Obedience:  Amy Moreaux / Jessica Destree (920) 559-1966
4-H Horse & Pony:  Beccah Laughlin (920-655-0272)


BEFORE ENROLLING:  Contact the club leader listed on the map to ask about club requirements and get on their mailing list.  

  • Update your contact information, including mailing address, e-mail and phone numbers! 
  • Re-enroll and pay membership dues by November 1 so your club leader will have you on their club list for meetings and events. This deadline is especially important for members involved in animal projects so you don’t miss out on any mandatory meeting information!
  • All new 4-H members must be enrolled, approved by the 4-H office, and paid membership dues by May 15 to be able to enter items into the 2025 Door County Fair.
  1. Select a club that works for you and your family (day, time, location, as well as projects, age of members, activities throughout the year).  Contact the club leader to let them know you are interested in joining their club.  Make a plan to visit a club meeting or activity to see if it’s a good fit.
  2. Review the  Enrollment Guide 2024  to learn more about the projects available in 4-H.  Youth who are in 5K through 2nd grade are eligible to participate in the Cloverbud project only.  Youth in 3rd grade and up can sign up for the rest of the projects.  For your first year in 4-H, you may want to take one or two projects.  (More can be selected if the youth and parents are comfortable with that decision.) Some projects have local club leaders providing leadership, and some projects have countywide leaders.  There are a few projects that don’t have leaders for them, and in that case the family and the member are responsible for learning independently.  4H218-Guide-with-Supplements
  3. Contact the Extension Office or your club leader to learn how to sign up using the online 4-H enrollment program —   4-H Online Enrollment Guide   —  If you are not able to sign up online, paper enrollment forms are available:  4-H YOUTH ENROLLMENT FORM     4-H ADULT ENROLLMENT FORM
  4. County Membership Dues: $3.50 per member or $10 per family (with 3 or more members).  Some clubs add on small additional fees for projects or activities.  Pay county membership dues directly to your club leader; your club leader will send one check to the Extension Office.
  5. Even though 4HOnline will ask you if you want literature in a particular project, you will need to order your own literature.  Some resource literature can be found:  and .
  6. Watch for the Door County 4-H newsletter (mailed to families and posted to this site) for more information on countywide events, project meetings, workshops and other activities happening in the 4-H program.  You can also “like” Door County 4-H on Facebook for updates.
  7. Have fun and enjoy being a 4-H member!
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Volunteer Types For Adult Volunteers

4-H has provided Volunteer Role Descriptions to all adult volunteers.  This is necessary to comply with policies concerning volunteers and state liability insurance coverage.  All adults will need to select a club and volunteer type in 4HOnline.  The choices for club volunteer type are:

Volunteers can only choose one so the most relevant role needs to be selected.
Project Leaders still need to select a project and volunteer type on the project selection screen


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